School, Course and License Exam Information
MacIntosh Real Estate School is owned
and operated by Millenium Three, Inc., a Colorado Corporation. The School
was originally known as Real Estate Prep, from 1960 through the 1980's.
The President of the Corporation and Director of the School is Bruce D.
MacIntosh, Jr. Bruce is a Colorado native, has a Bachelors degree in
History from the University of Colorado and a Doctorate of Law from the
University of Denver, and was a practicing real estate attorney in
California until the early 1990's. He is also a licensed Colorado
broker, certified real estate instructor, and for almost a decade was a
commercial builder closer (escrow agent) for the largest Colorado title
The school is governed by the Colorado Department of Higher
Education, Division of Private Occupational Schools Board. The program is
approved and meets the state's requirements to obtain a real estate
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Pre-Requisites for Enrollment
License Law requires an applicant for a real estate license to be 18
years old. This is not a requirement to attend the school. In addition to
passing the entire broker exam, the Colorado Real Estate Commission
requires that most new applicants for a Broker's License take and pass the
following course requirements:
- 48 hours in Real Estate Law and Practice
- 48 hours in Colorado Contracts and Regulations
- 24 hours in Real Estate Closings
- 8 hours in Trust Accounts and Record Keeping
- 32 hours in Practical Applications
- 8 hours in Current Legal Issues
Licensed attorneys only need 12 hours in Trust Accounts, Record
Keeping and Real Estate Closings, (as well as passing the Colorado portion
of the broker's exams,) to become a broker. MacIntosh Real Estate School
also offers this course, together with license exam preparation. For more
information about the Colorado Real Estate Commission and Broker
licensing, please click on this link (Adobe Acrobat Reader required for this pdf):
Real Estate Commission.
Former Colorado Brokers and Salespeople and licensees from other
states are eligible to bypass one or more classes. MacIntosh Real Estate
School offers all these configurations, together with license exam
preparation. For more information about the Colorado Real Estate
Commission and Broker licensing, please click on this link (Adobe Acrobat Reader required for this pdf):
Real Estate Commission.
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The fee for the initial 168 credit-hour online/correspondence course
and materials is $499, payable in advance of receiving the course
materials. There are no other fees associated with the course. (The fee may be reduced periodically.
At these times, the (lower) price that appears on the main page of our website is the price that we will honor.)
Enrollment may be completed by paying the full cost of the program
and textbooks. Payment shall be made in full at the time of enrollment and
registration. A $20.00 service charge will be assessed upon the return of
any check. The real estate school will not issue to the Real Estate
Commission a certification of completion until tuition is paid in full.
Although classes are offered to help the student prepare for the Broker
Examination, each course is self-contained and is completed by
self-scheduled, correspondence study.
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Classroom Attendance
All students of the MacIntosh Real Estate School are enrolled as
correspondence (home-study) students. Therefore classroom attendance is
not required. In this way, we can keep the cost of the course reasonable.
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Grading Policy
Correspondence students must submit completed final exams for each
course being taken (either through the U.S. mail or via our website.) For
example, for the Associate Broker curriculum, (168 hours) the student must
submit six exams with passing grades: one each for Real Estate Law and
Practice, Colorado Contracts and Regulations, Trust Accounts and Record
Keeping, Current Legal Issues, Real Estate Closings, and Practical
Applications. Each final exam will be graded by the Director of MacIntosh
Real Estate School, and students shall be notified in writing by U.S. mail
or email within two days of receipt by the School, of their grades on each
completed worksheet. All students must submit all completed exams by the
end of the scheduled course work. In accordance of the requirements of the
State Brokers examination, all students must pass each exam by at least
75%. A student's progress is considered unsatisfactory when the student is
not progressing at a rate that corresponds with these requirements.
Any student not maintaining a 75% grade level will be notified that
their grades are unsatisfactory and be given six weeks to raise their
grades to the satisfactory 75% grade level. Any student not performing at
the required 75% grade level after the six week period will be placed on
academic probation and be given eight months to increase their grades.
After eight months, the student is suspended and must petition for
reinstatement. If reinstatement is granted, no additional tuition will be
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The basic course work (exclusive of the 12–hour
"Attorney" course in Trust Accounts, Record Keeping, and Real Estate Closings,
or any 72–hour or 120–hour configuration for out–of–state brokers) is designed to be
completed in 168 hours, or – for purposes of calculating the refund policy – 42 4–hour sessions over approximately 10 weeks,
as defined below under Evaluation of Student Progress.
(Exclusive of the following Refund Policy, please note that the actual completion time is automatically extended to 8–months.)
Since MacIntosh Real Estate School offers only correspondence courses on a floating enrollment schedule,
student progress for refund purposes is calculated based on time elapsed (number of days) since enrollment.
The date of enrollment is based on the date of the contract, which is date student is accepted by the School.
The official date of termination or withdrawal of a student shall be
determined in the following manner:
· The date on which the school receives
written notice of the Student's intention to discontinue the training
program; or
· The date on which the student violates
published school policy which provides for termination.
If a student discontinues training after enrollment, this refund schedule will be
· A full refund of all monies paid if the
applicant is not accepted by the school.
· A full refund of tuition and fees paid if
the applicant withdraws within three days after signing the contract or
making an initial payment, provided that the applicant has not commenced
· A full refund of tuition and fees paid in
the event that the school discontinues the course or program of
education during a period of time within which a student could have
reasonably completed the course, except that this provision shall not
apply in the event that the school ceases operation.
If none of the above circumstances applies, a student withdrawing after date of enrollment is entitled to a refund of the following tuition fee:
Within first 10% of program |
(one week) |
90% |
After 10% but within first 25% of program |
(1 week to 2 1/2 weeks) |
75% |
After 25% but within first 50% of program |
(2 1/2 weeks to 5 weeks) |
50% |
After 50% but within first 75% of program |
(5 weeks to 7 1/2 weeks) |
25% |
After 75% |
(after 7 1/2 weeks) |
No refund |
To obtain a refund for the materials fee,
the withdrawing student must return intact all three text/workbooks and the Instructional booklet,
within 30 days from notice of withdrawal. Upon receipt of said books, and within the guidelines
set forth below, the School will issue a refund of all or part of the $100 materials fee component
of the payment, according to the following schedule:
· If all three of the text/workbooks and the Instructional booklet are returned unmarked and undamaged, the student will be granted the full $100 materials fee refund;
· If the Instructional booklet is returned damaged or marked in any way, $10 will be deducted from the $100 materials fee refund;
· If the first (“Uniform”) text/workbook is returned damaged or marked in any way, $30 will be deducted from the $100 materials fee refund;
· If the second (“Colorado”) text/workbook is returned damaged or marked in any way, $35 will be deducted from the $100 materials fee refund;
· If the third text/workbook is returned damaged or marked in any way, $25 will be deducted from the $100 materials fee refund.
Refund will be provided within 30 days of termination.
The policy of granting of credit for previous training shall not impact refund policy.
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Returned Check Charge
There will be a $20.00 check charge added to
all returned checks. In the event this goes to collection, the student
will be solely responsible for all attorney and collection fees. MacIntosh
Real Estate School will not be responsible for any personal decision of
the student to discontinue the course, and is responsible only for the
refund policy detailed herein and in the course catalog, and required by
the Rules of the Department of Regulatory Agencies and Division of
Proprietary Schools.
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Extension and Re–Enrollment Policy
As stated above, the contractual Enrollment Period is based on eight (8) months following the date student is accepted by the School. This time period may be extended according to the following schedule and for the following fee(s), upon written request to the Director of the School. (Email notice is sufficient, and shall be effective upon confirmation of receipt of said notice by return email from the School.)
This request must be received by the Director within the final 30 days of Student’s 8–month expiration date. If the request is made earlier than the final month of student’s scheduled enrollment, no determination will be made. If the request is made after the expiration of the 8–month enrollment, but prior to the one–year anniversary of Student’s enrollment, Director will make a case–by–case determination, based on the above factors.
The determination of the length of this extension will be at the sole discretion of the Director of the School, and shall be based on factors such as: 1) the extent of changes to the laws and forms that have occurred prior to, or will occur during the extension period, thereby necessitating changes to the School Materials the student originally received; 2) Student’s progress through the School program since enrolling, including – but not limited to – passage of School Final and Prep Exams.
The following fee – if any – shall be charged for the granting of said extension:
· A one– to four–month extension (totaling 9 months to one full year enrollment) for no additional fee.
No extensions will be granted after the one–year anniversary of Student’s enrollment. However, Student will be allowed to re–enroll at a reduced rate,
according to the following schedule:
· If request for extension is made after the one–year anniversary of Student’s enrollment, but prior to the two–year anniversary of Student’s enrollment,
Student will be allowed to re–enroll for the fee of $299. Upon receipt of the fee and a newly completed and signed enrollment agreement, student shall be
provided a new student number and new set of materials.
· If request for extension is made after the two–year anniversary of Student’s enrollment, but prior to the three–year anniversary of Student’s enrollment,
Student will be allowed to re–enroll for the fee of $399. Upon receipt of the fee and a newly completed and signed enrollment agreement, student shall be
provided a new student number and new set of materials.
· If request for extension is made after the three–year anniversary of Student’s enrollment, Student will be allowed to re–enroll for the fee of $499.
Upon receipt of the fee and a newly completed and signed enrollment agreement, student shall be provided a new student number and new set of materials.
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Postponement of Starting Date
Postponement of a starting date, whether at the request of the
school or the student, requires a written agreement signed by the student
and the school. The agreement must set forth: a) Whether the postponement
is for the convenience of the school or the student, and: b) A deadline
for the new start date, beyond which the start date will not be postponed.
If the course is not commenced or the student fails to attend by the new
start date set forth in the agreement, the student will be entitled to an
appropriate refund of prepaid tuition and fees within 30 days of the
deadline of the new start date set forth in the agreement, determined in
accordance with the school's refund policy and all applicable laws and
rules concerning the Private Occupational Education Act of 1981.
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Transfer of Enrollment
Student’s enrollment is non–transferable. Once enrolled, the student may not transfer
their enrollment, materials, credits or fees, to any other person.
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Course Objective
The program and individual course schedules give a basic overview of
the real estate industry and provides all the necessary information to
prepare the student to pass the Colorado Real Estate Brokers examinations
administered by the testing service called PSI. The student should expect
to complete the correspondence course in approximately 10 weeks. The
home-study course work is designed to be completed according to the
student's own schedule (4 hours per day, 4 days per week) at home. The six
final exams must be taken at home and submitted to the school for credit.
The final exams may be submitted on paper by mail or taken and submitted
through our website.
The Independent Study Programs consists of specialized course
materials provided to the student and the final examination (either
through bubble-sheets or via our internet testing website.) Where
necessary, the MacIntosh course materials have incorporated the
appropriate text of the Colorado Real Estate Manual and keyed the workbook
and quizzes to that text. The incorporation of the text and elimination of
the separate Colorado Real Estate Manual from the coursework has removed
the confusion caused by the need for constant cross-referencing and the
sheer volume of material.
Each chapter in the MacIntosh Real Estate School Workbook is
followed by a Chapter Quiz. All of these quizzes must be completed by the
student, but only the six final exams must be returned to the school for
grading and credit, as detailed above.
In order to pass each course, each student must receive passing (at
least 75%) grades on that final exam. Certification of successful
completion of the educational requirements will be given only if the above
requirements are completed within eight (8) months following initial
registration. An extension of this time period may be obtained by
requesting this in writing (either by U.S. mail or email: ).
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Previous Experience or Classes
No credit is given for this course for partial completion of classes
previously taken at another school or industry related experience. This
policy shall not impact the above refund policy.
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Placement Assistance
MacIntosh Real Estate School is not affiliated with any Real Estate
Brokerages. In this way, we can assure the student the most accurate
information and highest standards of integrity. Although employment of
graduates is rarely a problem, there is no guarantee of placement. In
addition, MRES does not have a transfer agreement of attendance with other
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Conduct, Termination, and Complaint Procedure
A student may have his or her enrollment terminated by the MacIntosh
Real Estate School, Inc. for non-payment of tuition or books, or failure
to complete the course in the allotted period of time, as stated in our
Attendance Policy. The enrollment shall begin as of the commencement date
on the contract.
If a student is terminated for non-payment of tuition, then upon
completed payment of the fees for tuition and books, that student will be
re-admitted to the program. The reinstatement will be conditioned upon the
eight month period as stated in the Attendance Policy. The enrollment
period shall begin as of the commencement date on the contract. Students
dismissed for failure to comply with accepted rules of school policy shall
not be reinstated.
Students who feel they have a complaint concerning any proprietary
school must file their complaint with the Division of Private Occupational
Schools within two (2) years from the date the cause of action arose.
(Division of Private Occupational Schools Board at (Colorado Division of Private Occupational Schools or calling 303–866–2723). There is a two–year limitation on the Division taking action on student complaints. (Based on the student’s last date of attendance – determined by latest activity with the School, such as email correspondence or testing activity during the 8–month term of enrollment.)
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What to Expect from the State License Exam
The state license exam costs $71 (subject to change by the testing company) and is administered at a PSI testing center on a
simplified personal computer (PC) with a large monitor. As the exam is
entirely multiple-choice, it is not necessary to have more than the basic
skills of using a keyboard and mouse; the answers are chosen by "clicking"
either "a", "b", "c", "d" with the
You will not need to bring a calculator for math problems, because
the PSI Exam Center will provide one. There are no questions on either part of
the real estate broker exam that require any more sophistication than
that. Therefore, real estate broker candidates will not be allowed to bring and use
a financial calculator, or one with printing or text/note saving capabilities.
The state license exam is comprised of two portions: the 80-question
"Uniform" exam, and the 70-question Colorado-specific exam. The
examinee is allotted a total of two hours to complete each part, for a
total of 4 hours. The broker applicant must pass each portion of the
exam, meaning that each examinee receive 75% on each test. If the examinee
should pass only one of the exams, it will be necessary to make a new
appointment to sit for the other exam again. Although the examinee will
not need to take the other portion of the exam, (the one that was
previously passed,) the examinee will still be required to pay another $55
testing fee.
The Uniform exam is first. You will be given two hours to complete
this exam after you look at the first question on the monitor. If the
examinee completes the Uniform exam before the allotted two hours has
elapsed, they may go on to the second (Colorado) exam. However, the time
remaining from the first exam will not be carried over to the second exam.
If the examinee has not completed the Uniform exam by the end of the
first two hours, the PC will automatically go on to the Colorado portion,
and the Uniform portion automatically will be scored. You will not be able
to return to that exam again.
If you do not take the full two hours to complete each exam, you
will be asked after the last question of each exam if you are sure that
you do not want to return to the beginning (or elsewhere in that exam) to
review your answers. If you answer that you are sure you are finished, the
unit will "lock out" any further answers. It is strongly advised
that after completing each exam, you return to the beginning and review
each question and answer carefully. Frequently, questions are worded such
that a careless first reading will mislead the examinee into believing the
question means something that it doesn't. A careful review will ensure
that confusingly worded questions are caught and answered properly.
Additionally, the PC allows you to either "mark" or "skip" a question, and at almost any point in the exam, return to that question
to review it.
The student is encouraged to visit PSI's website and walk through
their online exam tutorial:
The most important item to remember is to read each question very
carefully, as well as all of the four possible answers. Whereas the old
adage that your first impression often is correct, you cannot be sure that
you have chosen the correct answer if you have not thoroughly considered
each of the possibilities.
All topics covered in the MacIntosh Real Estate School manuals are
fair game for the exams. All quiz, final exam and "prep" test
questions are designed to emulate the testing style - and in many cases
are questions that have been reproduced from previous versions - of the
actual state license exam.
On every examination, there are some new questions that are not
scored. (Typically, five for each of the Uniform and Colorado exams.)
These are pretest items. They are used only to evaluate how the questions
perform and will neither add to nor detract from your score. However, you
will not be told which questions "count" and which do not.
Additionally, these questions will not count against your time limits.
You will receive your scores at the testing center immediately after
you complete your examination and return to the reception area. You will
receive a sheet verifying that you have passed, or if you have not
received a passing score on both exams, the sheet will describe your
strengths and weaknesses in the various topics. For those examinees who
successfully pass both parts of the exam, the sheet will verify a passing
score, (specific scores are not given on successfully passed tests,) and
in the upper right-hand corner, will have the photograph that was taken at
the time of registration prior to the exam.
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Making your Exam Appointment
You must make an appointment at least three business days before the
examination date you desire. To make a reservation for your real estate
examination, call PSI, at:
You may call the automated scheduling line 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week, but if you wish to speak to a representative, you should call during
business hours (Pacific time). As you follow the directions, you will be
connected to the examination reservation operator. Be sure to have ready a
piece of paper, a pencil and your social security number. You will be
given a confirmation number. Write this number down and bring it with you
to the exam center on the day of your test. Tests are typically
administered six days per week, Monday through Saturday in Denver, except
for nationally recognized holidays and holiday weekends. (Subject to
change by PSI.)
You may also schedule an exam appointment by going to PSI's webpage:
As of January 1, 2009, these are the current PSI testing centers. Other
locations may be added at a later date, and these locations are subject to
change. Consult the PSI Website for locations.
1) 12150 E. Briarwood Ave., Ste. #125
Centennial |
743 Horizon Court, #342
404 N. College Ave. |
2) Clear Creek Office Park 4251 Kipling St., Ste. #415 Wheat
Ridge |
803 West 4th Street, #803S |
799 East 3rd Street #3
5050 Edison Avenue, #121 |
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PSI Examination Payment & Policy
The fee for each sitting for the examination is $71.00. Payment
method: All real estate candidates must pay for their exam at the time of
There will be four payment methods: 1.) By credit card at the time
of registration. 2.) By debit card at the time of registration. 3.) By
e-check at the time of registration. (This is the same as payment by
personal check except instead of writing a piece of paper, the candidate
will give the bank name, correct full name and address on the bank
account, the entire series of numerals (including the check number) along
the bottom of a check, and a confirming SSN or driver's license number to
the customer service representative who will then take the money out of
the checking account.) This option is subject to change by PSI;
4.) By cashiers check or money order.
If you are absent from your scheduled examination, you will be
billed for two exams when you register again. If you plan on being absent
from your scheduled testing date, you must cancel or reschedule at least
two days in advance by 5:00 PM Pacific Time. At this point, you will be
permitted to transfer 100% of the fees to a new date without penalty. If
you call less than two business days prior to your test, you may
reschedule with a penalty not to exceed the exam fee. If you call on
the scheduled day of your examination or afterwards, your fees will not be
transferred to another day.
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What to Bring to the Exam
Bring only 2 forms of ID, including at least one picture ID, (i.e.,
Driver's license or state-issued identification.)
This is not an open-book test. You may not bring notes,
textbooks or practice exams.
Do not bring a calculator, pencils or papers. The exam is
administered on a PC and you will be provided with a calculator.
Pencils and scratch paper will be provided at the exam center. Examinees
are discouraged from bringing backpacks, purses, etc. into he testing
center. If any of these items are brought to the testing center, the
examinee will be asked to leave them with the proctor at the front desk.
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Special Services
If you have a disabling condition, you may ask for special testing
services. You must request a testing appointment at least two weeks prior
to the date you wish to be tested. Written verification and the statement
of assistance required must be received by PSI at least one week prior to
the examination date. This verification must be from a professional
qualified to diagnose and document the disability.
If you request reading assistance due to dyslexia or other learning
disabilities, the condition must be diagnosed and document by a clinical
psychologist or a school counselor. You may not bring anyone with you to
assist you with the examination.
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Fingerprints and Background Check
As described in the Fingerprint/Background Check bulletin (link
below), the applicant will be required to have fingerprints taken and
submitted to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This may be done at any
time prior to application, but the sooner the better, because the Real
Estate Commission will not process the license application until receiving
a background check from the CBI, and delays could be up to two months.
There are several methods described below for obtaining the
fingerprints and transmitting them to the CBI. However, we recommend the
applicant do this at a PSI testing center (for a $20 fingerprint fee, in
addition to the $39.50 background check fee) because PSI will
electronically transmit the fingerprints to the CBI at that time. This may
be done at the time of successful passage of the licensee exam, or at any
time prior (by appointment).
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Following the successful passage of the exam, proof of this will be
transmitted to the Real Estate Commission. The applicant will be given a
license application. At some time prior to submitting the completed
application to the Real Estate Commission, the applicant must also have
their fingerprints taken and transmitted to the Colorado Bureau of
Investigation, together with the fee for background check. (See the
Fingerprint/ Background Check bulletin, immediately below, which describes
this requirement and the appropriate procedures. The applicant will no
longer be required to submit with the application a paper Certification
from the school of completion of the educational requirements. The school
will electronically transmit this data to the testing center, which will
subsequently transmit it (together with certification that the applicant
has passed the licensee exam) to the Real Estate Commission.
Therefore, the applicant must only submit the application to the
Real Estate Commission, together with the employing broker's signature and
the appropriate license application fees, to:
Department of Regulatory Agencies - Division of Real
1900 Grant Street, Suite 600
Denver, Colorado 80203
(303) 894-2166

Please click this link to view the
Official Bulletin (Adobe Acrobat Reader required for this pdf).
It describes the new procedure for obtaining and submitting fingerprints
to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation prior to submitting the license
application. Every licensee candidate must follow this law, even those who have previously had fingerprints taken and a background check conducted.
Failure to understand and follow these procedures will
result in delays in having your license issued.
You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this bulletin.
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For the most up-to-date information about education and testing
requirements, please click on this link (Adobe Acrobat Reader required for this pdf):
Real Estate Commission Education and Testing Matrix.
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Have another question?
Please click this link:
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