MacIntosh Real Estate School
If you Fail the License Exam
You Read That Correctly!
If you successfully complete the MacIntosh R/E School Associate Broker Program, but fail the Colorado State Real Estate License Exam, we will refund the entire amount paid for tuition.
Other schools may rebate the cost of the your second attempt at the license exam - after you jump through a bunch of impossible hoops - but MacIntosh Real Estate School will refund the entire cost of the original tuition
if you pass all of our exams within the time limits, but still don't pass the license exam.

How Can We Offer This?
We are so confident in our program and materials, that we can guarantee if you follow the curriculum and procedures below, and still don't pass the license exam - you deserve your money back.
You see - Our Number One Priority is that you receive the education the R/E Commission requires and pass the license exam the first time - so that you can start your career as a Real Estate Broker immediately.
We have been teaching the Colorado licensee curriculum for 50 years, and developed our Online Program when the other schools were still learning how to use a fax machine.
So we know what we're doing. And it shows: The Real Estate Commission's official statistic that 97% of our students PASS THE LICENSE EXAM THE FIRST TIME is the best in Colorado.
Requirements for the Money-Back Guarantee
As long as you pass all MacIntosh R/E School exams with a score of 75% or greater within 75 days from enrollment, we will refund your tuition if you do not pass the license exam on the first attempt. You must:
1) Sit for the License Exam no later than 21 days following completion of the last MacIntosh (Prep) Exam;
2) Submit to the School (by fax or email) a legible copy of the Printout from Testing Center within one week of failing;
one or both parts of the License Exam on the first attempt;
3) Contact the Director of the School by email to arrange for a supplementary study program within that same time period;
4) Re-take the License Exam within 21 days from the first attempt (and submit proof of same to the school).

While studying to re-take the License exam, the student will remain in the MacIntosh program and retains all rights to study materials, testing, and instructor assistance as any active student.
The school will issue a full refund by check within 30 days of receiving by fax or email a copy of the results of the second attempt at the State License exam.
This Guarantee and Refund Policy applies only to the full 168 hour Associate Broker Pre-License program. It does not apply to discounted programs or to reduced-hour programs for Out-of-State Licensees, Previous Colorado Licensees, or Attorneys.
This Guarantee and Refund Policy does not apply to any programs offered through an affiliate (partner) school for Appraisal or Mortgage Broker licensing, or Continuing Education.
Click this button to Enroll:

Questions about the Guarantee? Please Email the Director:
(OR - If you use web-based email - such as Hotmail, Yahoo or AOL - please type or cut-and-paste this address in an email:

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