MacIntosh Real Estate School
17505 W. 61st Pl.
Arvada, CO 80403
ph: 303-465-1665
fx: 720-898-0234
Go Straight to Enrolling
(Go Straight to Enrolling)
(by CHECK)
Complete Information
(Complete Information)
Fax to Us
(Fax to Us)
Are You Paying for Student?
(Are You Paying for Student?)
We Send ONLY to Address on Enrollment
(We Send ONLY to Address on Enrollment)
P.O. Box for Mail?
(P.O. Box for Mail?)
Same Day Mailing
(Same Day Mailing)
Go Straight to Enrolling
(Go Straight to Enrolling)
Trouble with PayPal?
(Trouble with PayPal?)
Account with PayPal?
(Open an account with PayPal? Eeek!)
8 Month Deadline
(8 Month Deadline)
Social Security Number
(Social Security Number)
REAL Email, Please
(REAL Email, Please)
"Already Received Catalog"
("Already Received Catalog")
(Go Straight to Enrolling)
Please CLICK, to:
Return to the Main Page (HOME)
Enroll in the Colorado Real Estate Broker Program (ENROLL)
Enroll in the Colorado Mortgage Broker Program (APPRAISER)
Enroll in a Colorado Continuing Education Course (CONTIN. ED.)
Enroll in an Appraiser Program - 30 States (MTG. BRKR.)
Read Testimonials from Students (TESTIMONIALS)
Read Frequently Asked Questions about MRES or Why Home-Study can work for you (FAQs)
Get details on MRES program requirements or State Exam (CATALOG)
View a sample of our program Materials (SAMPLE)
Contact the Director by Email (CONTACT)


MacIntosh Real Estate School
To Enroll, We Only Need Two Things from You:
Once we receive BOTH - we send the materials and you can start immediately!
Click her to go to the Enrollment Agreement.

Near the End is a "Credit Card" icon. Click that to pay by CC.
Remember to return to this page and follow the instructions. Thank you.
1) To Pay by CREDIT CARD
Please click the "Credit Card" icon at the bottom of the Enrollment Agreement (next page, by clicking the "ENROLL NOW" icon, below)
and follow the directions.
This is the most secure method for paying by credit or debit cards. (It also works for sending money from your checking account.)
Clicking the Credit Card icon on the Enrollment Agreement
will take you to the secure PayPal website to send the money.
You will be asked to provide information about your credit card and mailing address through their secure processing website.
If all steps were properly completed, you will receive a confirmation by email from PayPal immediately.
If you don't feel comfortable paying online or going through PayPal, and just want to pay with your Credit Card -
No Problem! The Director, Bruce MacIntosh, will take care of you personally:
Email the Director (Business Hours)
Phone (After Hours): 303-465-1665
2) To Pay by CHECK
Please complete, print and sign the enrollment agreement and send that and the check to:
MacIntosh Real Estate School
17505 W. 61st Pl.
Arvada, CO 80403

COMPLETE the Enrollment Agreement
Click the link at the bottom of this page. It will take you to our online enrollment agreement;
1) COMPLETE your information (Name, Address, Phone Numbers, Social Security Number, Email Address);
2) PRINT the enrollment agreement;
3) SIGN on the last page;
4) Fax, mail or scan/email EVERY PAGE - not just the front and/or back pages. These are required for contractual purposes.
If you are PAYING CREDIT CARD, FAX the completed and signed enrollment agreement to us at 720-898-0234;
If it is more convenient, you may also SCAN and EMAIL the enrollment agreement to us at "enroll@macrealestate.com". This is in no way required... Just an option for your convenience.
If you are paying by personal or business CHECK, you may send the completed and signed enrollment agreement in the mail, to the address above.
If payment is coming from SOMEONE OTHER THAN THE ENROLLING STUDENT - Please WORK TOGETHER to ensure the STUDENT FILLS OUT and signs the Enrollment, and faxes it to us! The student is not enrolled nor can they start the course until we have that Enrollment. Please also EMAIL to let us know - so that we can connect the payment to the enrollment agreement.
When we receive both the payment and completed, signed enrollment agreement, we will mail the package of materials to the exact address on your enrollment agreement
(NOT the PayPal address - no matter what PayPal's confirmation says!)
Since we send by U.S. Mail, if you live in a town where the U.S. Postal Service will not deliver to a physical address (examples: Breckenridge, Frisco, etc.) then you must provide us with your P.O. Box.
We will normally send it the same day - if received by 3pm on any weekday with mail service, or the next business
("mail") day - if received after 3pm on a business day, or on a weekend or holiday.
We send all packages by U.S. Mail. Typically, you will receive the package within two to three "mail" days.
We will email you with confirmation that the enrollment and payment has been received, and a Delivery Confirmation number so you may track the package.
The Director of the School will also sign your Enrollment Agreement. A copy of this agreement (with both signatures and your Student Number) will be included in your package in the top Instructions folder. Please save this Enrollment Agreement for your records.
Questions about your SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER? Please see the notes at the bottom of this page.

If you have other questions about the enrollment agreement or enrolling, please read further.
Now... You can go to the actual Enrollment Agreement by clicking the ENROLL NOW button.

Troubleshooting PayPal:
If it indicates that you will not be able to send the money, or that "this amount exceeds your limit", or it wants you to ADD A CHECKING ACCOUNT... This is NOT a problem with PAYPAL. This is most likely because your Credit Card has a LIMIT on ONLINE SPENDING to protect you from credit card or identity theft! PLEASE follow these steps
Start by calling PayPal directly at 1-888-221-1161. When the recorded messages asks you to make a choice of what department you want, say "Agent! Agent! Agent!" This should bypass further choices and take you directly to a Customer Service Rep. Describe to the Rep what messages you got when trying to send money.
Call your Credit Card Company - they may be able to lift the restrictions on Online spending, or at least raise your limit above $499.
American Express Corporate cards have strict restrictions against online purchases. You may need to use a different card.

PayPal says I am opening an account.
Does this mean that I will forever have to balance a checkbook or keep money in the account,
or pay extra fees?
NO! This isn't like a "checking account". When you open a PayPal "Account" this does NOT mean that it is something you must maintain by keeping money in it. You may use it only once for this transaction or in the future for other online purchases. It is just the best way for us to accept credit cards without anyone having access to your financial information.

What is my real deadline for completing the program?
Eight (8) Months.
Not 10 weeks. That figure - in the Enrollment Agreement - is the refund policy required by the Division of Private Occupational Schools. It is based on the time elapsed since the enrollment becomes effective, and was determined by this formula: Under "Refund Policy", it says "The basic course work is designed to be completed in 168 hours, or 42 4-hour sessions over approximately 10 weeks, as defined below under Evaluation of Student Progress."
Although it is the measurement by which we are required to calculate our refund-policy, it is simply intended as an example of the time you would spend if you followed that kind of schedule. For instance, if you spent "4 hours a day, 4 days a week" studying, you could expect to finish the program in about 10 weeks.
Your real Time Limit is 8 months, as detailed in our Catalog. We hope that you will strive to complete the program before the 8-month deadline, because if you take longer than that, it is difficult - if not impossible - to remember what you need to pass the state license exam.
An Extension may be given. The request must be in writing by emailing the Director, and must be received prior to the expiration of your enrollment.

Social Security Number
We must have this, and without it your enrollment is not valid. The Colorado Real Estate Commission requires that we verify the same person is taking the course that is applying for a license. As with all the information provided herein, your SSN will be held in the strictest confidence, and provided to no outside sources. Only the Director of the Schools sees this, and it is never released to or accessible anyone else.

Give us your real Email Address
Give us the email address use usually use! Please do not provide us with a fake or some obscure email address you never check. In fact, you should be giving the email that you use the most, since we will be immediately sending you confirmation of receipt of the enrollment agreement and PayPal payment, and a Delivery Confirmation number when the package is sent. In addition, we email your completion Certifications to this email address when you finish the program. We guarantee that we will never give your email address to anyone else and will never send unsolicited messages ("spam").

Already Have a PRIOR or
The enrollment agreement is for the following educational requirements for Associate Broker licensure in Colorado: 6 COURSES/168 Total Hours.
If you have a previous Colorado Salesperson license, a license from another state, or are an actively licensed attorney, your educational requirements (and price) may be different. If this is the case, please return to our main page and access the "About Us" page of our website.

It says: "I Have Already Received Catalog". But I haven't!
Near the end, it states, "I certify that I have received a copy of the Course Catalog of the MacIntosh Real Estate School." You will receive a printed copy of the Catalog with your program materials package. Please read the identical online version of our Catalog by clicking the "Information" button in the left frame, so that you will feel comfortable signing this Enrollment Agreement stating that you have received and read the Catalog.

You can go to the actual Enrollment Agreement by clicking the ENROLL NOW button:

More Questions? Please click "CONTACT" below to email, and the Director of the School will respond by email immediately.
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