Testimonials from Graduating Students
The MacIntosh Real Estate School program allows for a much more "interactive" relationship with our students than any other school. (Home-study or Classroom!) In fact, students get personalized email responses to any questions not yet answered by our comprehensive printed and online resources. Students can always get concise, thoughtful and informative answers to questions straight from the Director of the School! Test results are sent immediately, and questions are answered every day by email. Our vast bank of exam questions is backed up by extensive online FAQ sections for students to access as they study and pass each exam. We've been successfully teaching real estate licensee candidates for over half a century - and our system works! As these testimonials from students who recently completed the program (and passed the state license exam the first time) attest, the level of one-on-one interaction is superior and extremely effective. |
"Just wanted to let you know I passed the test on the first try this afternoon. 91 on the Uniform and 93 on the Colorado exam. Also wanted to let you know your course is absolutely THE BEST course ever, both for content and for value. I know lots of folks who've paid two and three times as much for other, less comprehensive courses with mixed results."
Tony Q.

One girl that was testing with me was on her 3rd re-test and failed again. Worth noting that she took real estate as a college course at CMC in Glenwood Springs.
The PSI test director was impressed as well. She said she gets people back for re-tests from all the big name schools all of the time, Kaplan, VanEd, etc.
Thank you for providing a great service."
Mark W.

Damon D.

Chad L.

Bryon S.

· National exam - 90%
· State exam - 89%
I was really surprised and quite pleased. I want to thank you for the valuable course materials that MacIntosh provides to students. The practice tests were fantastic, and the online Q&A for the chapters and tests were very well prepared. A great experience."
Kevin K.

James C.
I just wanted to say thanks for going outside the box for me the other day, I really appreciate it. Also I wanted to thank you for your program. It was recommended to me by a friend that I trust very much. I really think the format that you've come up with worked well for me, the fill in the blanks, quizzes and testing all re-enforced all the information. I'm so happy to report that I got an 80 on the Colorado and an 86 on the Uniform. Yay!! Again, thanks for everything!!Ashley B.
Thanks for working me so hard and for really making me learn the material. I was very impressed with the speed and thoroughness you responded to any and all questions. Great program! I will absolutely refer folks to your program. No hesitations whatsoever.Andrew H.
"I wanted to update you on my passing of the RE Exam. Hooray! I received an 88% score in Uniform and 84% in State. Most of the questions were very close versions of those that you asked in the prep and previous exams. I was able to speed through both tests in a total time of 1 hour and 15 minutes feeling confident that I was going to receive a passing score. With the time that I invested in the studies, I don't think I could have felt any more prepared."Before starting the test they were having technical problems at the site which delayed our start time, so I had a chance to chat it up with the 4 other women that were there. They all had gone to more expensive schools and 2 of them were in- class courses. During the exam I was first to finish, and noticed the other girls around me were struggling. The girl to the right of me went through the most expensive live Kaplan course and was sighing and grumbling the whole time. It could not have been a good test for her. So all in all, I am very pleased with my experience with your school and will recommend it to others. Thanks for all of your help."
Heather H.
"MacIntosh Real Estate School is the BEST Correspondence class I’ve ever taken online. The Director Bruce MacIntosh, gave me all the attention and help I needed to pass the Real Estate course. He honestly cares about his students and wants them to succeed. I’m a stay at home mother, with two children and a part time Marketing ,Advertising & Consulting Company. If I can make time to take his course, you can too. He will definitely help you with all the questions and help you understand all the concepts. Take it from me it’s worth the investment to succeed with the MacIntosh Real Estate Course."Michelle Ulaszek
"I wanted to let you know that I have passed both parts of the Colorado exam on the first attempt. I would like to thank you again for setting up this course and making it easily accessible for someone with a busy schedule to complete the required coursework in a short period of time. Thank you again for helping me to understand how real estate law works in Colorado."Spencer M.
"Completed the testing yesterday, received an 83.7% on the Uniform and an 87.8% on the State. I felt that I knew the answers to just about everything that was asked on the Uniform test."Mike S.
"I took my real estate exam Last Thursday and I'm happy to say that you can include me in your statistics for students who pass on their first try! Your materials were very helpful and many of the the prep exam and final exam questions were asked nearly verbatim on the actual test, I had complete confidence in answering the majority of the exam questions because I had either seen them before, or the text let me know that they would be important topics. I Scored 90% on my National Exam and 85% on my Colorado portion. Thanks for being so quick to get back to me when I had questions, and thanks for making an affordable program that works better than those that are much more expensive."Weston T.
"You scared me into studying much harder and making sure I passed this thing the first time, which is what I just did. Many of the questions were directly off of your exams and prep exams which definitely helped.I appreciate the thoroughness of your course, because it obviously prepared me to pass the licensing exam. Thank you for the encouragement and materials to get this far."
Jason D.
"Add it to your stats, I passed both portions of my real estate exam on the 1st shot. Thanks for putting such a good program together."Ryan H.
"Just wanted to let you know that I just passed both exams. Thank you for offering a quality product that is also affordable. I feel that the quiz/exam questions in your program prepared me well for the actual tests. Thanks again."Holly C.
"Wanted to let you know that I took my test on Friday and scored a 90% state and 94% federal; clearly I was prepared. I haven’t studied a designated curriculum since college in ’90 and have never studied through correspondence. I took longer than I needed to to complete the course, but I was relaxed and confident during the test while people around me were failing, some for the 3rd time. I would say your course did a very good job getting the knowledge to me, but preparing for the way they go about it."Aaron W.
"Just letting you know that I passed both the Uniform Exam (85%) and the State Exam (86%). I was prepared for the Uniform Exam and thought that I would give myself maybe another month to prepare for the State Exam, but since they schedule both of them together, I went ahead and took them both. There was only maybe one question that I remember asking myself where that one came from? What planet are they from? The rest were at least familiar from my studies. I feel that your course prepared me quite well for the exams and will recommend it to others. Thanks for the great course that allowed me to study on my own crazy schedule."Eddie O.
"Hi Bruce Just wanted to let you know that I took my state test on last Sat. and passed both portions on the first try. I got a 90 on the uniform and a 89.1 on the state. I want to thank you for such a good study course. If you follow your outline it sure makes the state test easy. Thanks again. "Sam P.
"I just wanted you to know that I sat for the State and National Broker exams today. I PASSED!!!! First time, National 80% and State 72% thank you for all your help in preparing me, it was a very easy and painless process afterall. "Duran P.
"I am emailing to let you know I passed both portions of the state exam. I felt good during the national exam. There were very few questions we had not covered. I felt the Macintosh course prepared me and am grateful for your help! "Shauna P.
"I passed both exams (89% on national; 96% on state). The materials had me well prepared. Overall, not a lot of surprises. There were several questions with long fact recitations where only a few of the facts were relevant to the questions. They took a disproportionate amount of time, but there were a number of questions that took only seconds to answer so I guess it balanced out. I went back over every answer on both exams and still finished 30 minutes early, so there was plenty of time."Dennis J.
"I took the broker exam on Friday. I got 90% on the national exam and 86.4% on the state exam. Thanks for all your help in my preparation; they asked the exact question that we discussed about with whom the brokerage relationship is formed in a buy-sell agreement. I found the final exams and prep exams to be excellent tools in preparing for the exam. Thanks again"Mark R.
"I took the test last Friday for the first time and passed both portions. Your course methodology was key to my success ..... read each question carefully and treat each answer as a True/False ..... you can't go wrong! Many thanks."
Jim M.
" I just wanted to let you nkow that I passed both RE exams Saturday. I did really well on them (even though I wasn't too sure right up til the end) and I'm SOOOOoooo glad I don't have to do either of them again! So thanks very much for all of your help!!"Elizabeth T.
"I passed both exams on Friday--your program was very helpful--so thank you"Scott P.
"Happy to say I passed the exams today with a 91.2% on the national and 90.5% on the CO portion. Everything was pretty straight forward. Your prep tests were especially helpful. Your training and support have been great!"I learned from MacIntosh to scan the details of the question before reading the long example so I did not have to digest the immaterial facts. What worked well for me was on the first pass to mark the questions that looked very long, drew a blank on, or was not sure. On the second pass I selected the go to key for just marked questions and knocked off most of those, leaving marks on the ones I was not sure of. Then I started from the beginning again and went through each question to the end. Hope this helps your future students...."
Steve C.
"I took the exam and passed the CO section with a 96% and the National section with an 84%. Your program was very helpful. Thank you."Sean S.
"Well ... I won't commit to saying that I had fun, tried to have fun, did have fun. But I PASSED, and managed to do it withought barely scraping by! I was sure glad I had studied the school exams and the short answer questions fairly thorough. After the first 10 or so questions, I knew it would be a breeze! Oh, and did I mention I did it in half the time allowed :) So, thanks again for your support through all of this. You've always answered my questions quickly, and completely. I will absolutely recommend MacIntosh Real Estate School to anyone interested in becoming a Realtor."Adrianne S.
"I took the exam on ... I passed both parts, one with a 94% and the other witha 91%. The Q & A section on your website is very helpful and so are the explanations to questions on the final exams. "Reynaldo L.
"Just wanted to share the news as I thought I would be one of these that it would take 10 times to do. First time with scores around 86% on both. I am very happy. "Julie R.
"Just a note to let you know that I did in fact pass both sides of the exam yesterday, 86%, 82%. Thank you again for your help and patience... I will be happy to recommend you, your school and your methods to anyone that I can. Thanks again,"Robert H.
"Just writing to let you know that today I passed both exams- 83.7% on the uniform and 80% on the state. Yahoo!!! ALSO- VERY IMPORTANT- they asked by whom I was taught the information and when I responded MacIntosh, their response was "Oh, we hear a lot of good things about that school..." so kudos to you."Thank you for your information, your expertise and your confidence in your students- it's much appreciated."
Denise W.
"I am excited to say I have passed the Uniform (92.5%) and the Colorado (86.4%) Real Estate Broker exams! The course material that was included in your online program was extensive and all-inclusive. My head was loaded with information, and I certainly felt this program prepared me well for the national and state exams. I am really looking forward to start my new career as a Real Estate Broker. "Annette Z.
"I passed both portions of the exam this morning. I got 96.2% on the Uniform and 91.8% on the Colorado exam.Thanks for the excellent educational materials! Your correspondence school is great and I will refer anyone I know that is pursuing their real estate license to you."
David L.
"I passed the test!! The prep materials from Macintosh Real Estate School were excellent and made the difference in my studies. I also appreciated your quick and thorough responses to my questions as I was going through the study materials."Thanks for putting our such a well thought out study program--it worked for me."
Todd E.
"I passed the exam this weekend: 86% on Uniform and 78% on Colorado. Thanks so much for your help and instructional materials. I was very grateful to have reviewed the prep exam right before the exam as there were at least 4 questions on the Colorado section that were verbatim from the prep exam. I'm sure this is what helped me to pass that section."Deb C.
"I just wanted to tell you that I took the exam yesterday. Amazingly enough, I passed both! Actually I got an 87.5% on the National and an 81% on the state. I thought the state was pretty hard and was surprised that I did so well.
All I can say is that your prep exams and finals for the 2 portions were excellent preparation. In fact, if they hadn't been so accurate, I doubt I would have done as well.
Thanks for giving a course that was excellent preparation for the exam. I can't imagine that another course would have given me the ability to pass with such apparent ease."
Diane A.
"I wanted to thank you for your kind support and remark that the format of your course is excellent for preparing the student! You have assembled all the tools and in the correct sequence for the student to pass the exam on the 1st try--- IF they read your words, and follow you instructions exactly. I honestly cannot recall a single different question than in your Q & A, but more importantly the license exam questions were almost word-for-word identical to your tests. I am very sincere that your teaching format is the best and most practical I've ever come across. I'm sure most if not ALL of your committed students pass."
Todd G.
"I just wanted to let you know that I passed both exams today and your material was right on!!!! I passed with an 87.5% on the Uniform and an 86.4% on the Colorado. All your tests and quizzes and the Prep Tests were excellent. I didn't notice any questions that your material didn't cover. That's amazing!! Thank you so much and I hope you offer the continuing education courses for the future! I will recommend your school to everyone when given the opportunity! "
Lee Anne H.
"I wanted to touch base with you regarding my 1 year celebration of getting my real estate license. I want to thank you so much!! Your instruction and school has really helped to change my life in so many ways. This year to date I have closed almost $2.5 million and... in listings soon to be a little over $6 million... and more closings around the corner. My phone never stops ringing ... I am sharing my achievements with you because without your support, mentoring and instruction I would not be on the path I am today. Thank you so much.
When I first started in real estate is was my dream to earn enough money to put a down payment on a deaf school for my son... I am well on my way. I never dreamed that my real estate career would be so successful already. I work very hard on a day to day basis but learned so many things from the online course that have helped me out on almost a daily basis. BTW the closing worksheet is a breeze now!!! I am so excited to see what the future will hold.
Words cannot begin to express my gratitude for your patience and support. Your school is the best!!"
Kay B.
"I took my state exam today and passed both sections with 81% on each. Many of the questions were exactly the same as questions from your prep exam. As a result of taking your course, I felt very well prepared. I really took time to read each question carefully, and after answering all of them, go back over each one again, as you suggest. I changed a few answers after reviewing when I saw that I had been tricked by the wording of the question. This is my first experience with a correspondence course, and although I had doubts about whether it would work for me, after completing it I was sure I had all the materials I would need. Thank you for offering such a great program."
Guila C.
"Just wanted to give you an update!! I took my tests today for the first time and I passed both of them. I got an 80% on the National and an 85% on the State test!! I also completed both of the tests with in one hour and forty five minutes. I felt very prepared! Thanks for all your help!"
Brooke B.
"I passed. 94% on National, 85% on CO. Questions and classes you provided were dead on. Questions on the test were VERY similar to what was in the study materials. Well Done! I appreciate all your help. Please call if I can ever do anything for you. "
Bob B.
"I just wanted to let you know that I took the license exam last Thursday (7-5-07) and passed both portions my first time around! I received an 84% on the Uniform and a 73% on the CO portion. I felt very confident going into the exam and can say without question that your course was EXTREMELY thorough!!! There were numerous people at the exam center who were re-taking the exam for their 3rd or fourth time! Thanks so much for providing such a comprehensive and thorough course! It was great going into the testing center feeling so confident about all of the material offered through Mac Real Estate! "
Laura B.
"PASSED! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I can't thank you enough! The study material was presented and assembled wonderfully. I feel I was able to grasp a majority of the concepts immediately, without needing further clarification. The quizzes and exams were extremely helpful. The finals and prep exams were a bit difficult, but when I took the PSI exam I realized how well prepared I was, after taking your course. I finished both exams in 1 hour and 10 minutes, and passed on the first try. I can't believe how many questions were similar or exactly the same as on the prep exams. Incredible! Thank you for always answering my questions promptly and very clearly, and for being available to me. I will certainly highly recommend your course of study to anyone interested in obtaining a real estate license!"
Natalia P.
"I took the state exam on Tuesday and PASSED!! Thank you so much for all of your help - After all of the quizzes and prep exams for your school, I felt completely prepared for the exam and actually set a record for the examiner - he had never had anyone take either test as quickly as I did ... And I wasn't even rushing to finish! I scored 89.1% on the Colorado portion and 93.7% on the Uniform portion."
Shanda S.
"I took the Real Estate Exam last Thursday and passed both sections. I was very well prepared for the test. I took well under half the allotted time for both sections. The on-line instruction and testing obviously gave all the knowledge I needed, as well as preparing me for the testing procedure. I also wanted to thank you again for understanding the time it took me to make it through all the material. I must say it was worth the time and effort."
Jim C.
"Great news. I passed both sections the first time! and I even had the flu! You really realize the importance of all your exams and the detailed feedback you give once you pass the exams. I really reviewed the first book (Uniform) and that was my savior when taking the [license exams]."
Noelle K.
"I just wanted to let you know I passed the state & national portion on the first try. I couldn't believe it. There were many questions directly from the prep exams so that helped a lot since I studied those. Thank you for your help."
Kristy B.
"I passed both portions of my State Exam today!! 78.7% on Uniform and 81% on CO. Thank you so much for all of the prep tests and quizzes that were given to help with the study process. It was a huge help! I recognized quite a few of the questions from your material."
Vicki R.
"I passed my Real Estate exam on Tuesday: 76% on the State and 91% on the Uniform. I was very relieved and pleased. Thanks for all the help and support. I think the preparation was excellent. Wish you all the best."
Martin H.
"I took and passed the exam Saturday (with great scores). Thanks for your help. Your materials and feedback was all I needed (and a couple pots of coffee towards the end)."
Troy B.
"I wanted to let you know that I passed the Real Estate Exam this weekend. 90% on the Uniform Section and 81% on the Colorado section. I was surprised at how many of the questions on the exam were word for word from the practice exams and finals…those ended up being very helpful! Thank you for your help over the last 8 months or so. "
Alex S.
"I took my exams in Pueblo last Saturday and PASSED both portions! I just wanted to thank you for your words of encouragement and the excellent Prep Exams. There was a man taking the state portion of the exam for the TENTH time. Thank you for saving me LOTS and LOTS of money, as well as for the wonderful education that was provided by you."
Diana C.
"Just wanted to let you know that I passed my real estate tests today with a 93 on the Uniform test and a 90 on the Colorado test. So many of the questions on the tests were exactly as they were on your tests that I had no trouble with either test at all. I can't say enough about your course - the comprehensive study materials and really up-to-date practice tests made all the difference."
Roxie B.
"Thank you for all your assistance in getting through this course. The materials are well written, easy to understand and very thorough. The website is great and having the explanations to the answers to the test questions is a great help. If I had taken a regular lecture course, I would not have had the instructor with me at all times (like some of my 1AM study sessions), but having those answers anytime I needed to check something really made it easy. Thanks again for a great course."
Anne E.
"I took the exam on Friday morning, and passed both sections on the first try.... and it was actually easier than I thought it would be. I was the first one done, and the next person to finish (who did her schooling thru Van Ed) only passed one section. Thank you so much for the preparation/schooling - it worked perfectly for me. Your final exams were very good preparation for the types of questions on the state exam, so your testing method definitely works well! Thanks again for all of your help, and I will be recommending your real estate school in the future. Definitely great value AND service!!!"
Stephanie B.
"I just wanted to thank you for all of you help of preparing me for the Real Estate Exam, I took it on Saturday and happy to say that I passed both portions the first time. I felt very well prepared, especially on the Colorado portion. I couldn't believe how many questions on the Colorado exam were on the finals that I took from you. I felt like the Uniform section had a lot of the questions as well. All in all, I was so happy to see so many questions on the exams that were on your exams - if not word for word even just the same concept just different wording."
Kristen T.
"I took my exam today, and passed both sections with good scores. I just wanted to say thanks to you and your program for helping me accomplish this goal. Your school's ability to forecast exam questions AND topics was tremendous, and a big help. Thanks again, "
Jason B.
"I just wanted to thank you for your help with the class. Your fast responses helped out a lot with my nerves waiting for exams to be graded and questions I had. You were very helpful and made this class much easier to do. I had my doubts about doing school any other way than actually going to a class but my schedule did not give me the opportunity to do so. I would highly recommend this program to everyone wanting to take real estate classes. I did pass my exam today and couldn't be happier!!!!!!!!"
Kelly B.
"Hurrah and Hallelujah, this math phobe passed BOTH sections on the first try. Even earned ladylike B pluses, and, as previous candidates have noted, there were lots of familiar questions right out of your book. Today approximately 50% of them were exactly as in your tests, and at least 75% were very similar concepts, just differently worded.
A couple of friends urged me to go with Jones, and as I did not want to be stuck in a classroom with a teacher who might not come up to my standards and therefore waste my time, that suggestion was nixed. Based on the stellar Macintosh pass rate, the rave reviews from successful candidates, plus your bio and Mac's local history, it was a no-brainer - almost neglected to mention the cost-savings not only in tuition but gas/lunch money, etc, I'm sold on Mac's exemplar of a correspondence school.
The speedy way in which my questions were answered, tests graded, etc. demonstrated a responsiveness that I would not have anticipated from this type of program. An added bonus was your unfailing diplomacy and tact, especially when I flunked more than one test. You delivered the bad news with sensitivity re time invested, never with any reference to ineptitude. Another major plus was the rationale for test answers that you've taken the time and trouble to put on your site so we dunces would understand the principles rather than just be tempted to memorize answers. Reading them, at times, I thought you were channeling David Sedaris as these tutorials were wry, witty and even on occasion entertaining!
Last, but not least, will end where I began. After decades of math anxiety, to have overcome this lifelong phobia sufficient to pass a test which involved the X factor, WOW, I'm jazzed. True confession: I took a year of law school for my Ph.D. research tool rather than punish myself with the second semester of statistics. Sure I understood the concepts of probability, but the problems involved those cursed numbers!
Bruce, I hope you're very proud of your on-line school and the way in which you both teach and administer the program. I can't say enough good things about it, especially today, when I'm in a position to add a professional credential to the arts and parties degrees.
Here's to your continued success, and I hardly need wish the same for future students. 'Cause if they read your materials, pass your tests, then their goal will be met and they'll join the chorus of Mac Alums who sing your praises after passing the exams.
With affection and gratitude from a former dunce for whom you provided respect and encouragement. All I had to add was the fortitude, and it made for a helluva Trifecta! "
Mary H.
"You truly do offer a wonderful online school. Thank you for all your time, help and advice. I have such a feeling of accomplishment passing this course. I passed both the Uniform and Colorado exams today. I have to say, I was very well prepared. I fell for a couple of *tricks* but was better at spotting them thanks to you. Thank you for all of your help and support during the course study. Many of my friends went to classes and spent a lot more money on real estate school and ended up having to take the test more than once. They almost convinced me that I would never pass the exam doing a home study course. I am so thrilled."
Kay B.
"I want to thank you because I don't think I would've made it if it weren't for all the practice exams and your insight into all my many questions. Thanks to MacIntosh Real Estate School for your professionalism and availability to answer all my questions - quickly and accurately. I received an outstanding education and felt well equipped for the licensing exam, which I passed on the first attempt."
Kiki P.
"I just wanted to thank you for helping me pass both parts of the exam on the first try! There really were a lot of questions directly from the practice test and the mini prep test, and that helped me a ton! Thanks for always going over where I was having the most trouble, it helped me focus on what I needed to study more. Thanks again, I will recommend your school over and over again!"
Dawn R.
"I just returned form taking my test!! With all of the great training and feedback I received from you, I passed on my very first try! So many of the questions were exactly what appeared on your final exams."
Erin Z.
"By studying the questions in the 3 books and the two practice exams, students will have seen 80% of the questions on both exams almost exactly."
Andrew E.
"YA HOOO !! I passed with flying colors, thanks to your thorough teaching materials and many hours of study on my part, plus lots of prayers! Would you believe I got 95% on both parts ?! Many of the questions were very similar to questions on your tests. Thanks for all your help and for covering all the important stuff in your materials. "
Marjie S.
"I just thought I'd let you know that I passed both sections of the exam today. Your course prepared me well. Your course is incredibly detailed and covers all the bases and more. Your individual knowledge of the course material is quite comprehensive and your response time to students was much better than expected."
Stephen D.
"I just returned from Denver from taking both exams today and I am happy to say that I DID PASS both exams on my first try. (Only 3 people out of approximately 12-15 passed both exams)...and I was one of them!! All your help, input and suggestions really made a huge difference because they gave me a lot of confidence. I will recommend your school in a heartbeat!!!!"
Arturo B.
"I passed the test today, your materials and books were excellent. thanks for all the helpful hints."
Jay H.
"Well, I just returned from Ft. Collins and taking the exam. I'm happy to say I PASSED both!!! Yea!!! I'd say about 30-40% of the questions were verbatim from your final exams. I was really surprised. Your course, which includes over 1,000 questions and the prep exams enabled me to enter the test room with confidence and less stress and pass on the first try. Thanks so much for all your help throughout the course. I've recommended it to two people from the [brokerage] office in Longmont. I'll continue to promote your course because I believe it is the best, no matter the price -- just so happens, it is the most economical course for Real Estate in Colorado."
Bob R.
"I took my exam today at the Wheatridge PSI Testing center. It was my first time and I passed both portions! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all the quizzes, finals, preps and mini preps. The required prep exams really helped me prepare for the tests. It also helped to have tough/tricky wording in the test questions you provided. Thank you for always grading my tests so promptly. It has been a pleasure to have been a student at your school. Thank you for your dedication and honesty."
Shari E.
"I wanted to let know that I just sat for the examination and passed the first time with scores of 91.8% for the Colorado portion and 90% for the national (uniform) portion. The materials that your school uses to prepare people are comprehensive and provide a cumulative learning experience. There were other people taking the exam along with me who attended a full-time real estate school, sitting for their second or third attempt! The proctor gave us approximately four hours to complete the exam--I was finished in two. Kudos to you and your program--it definitely works."
John R.
"I just wanted to let you know that I took my exam yesterday and passed. It only took me about 1/2 the allowed time, including going back and verifying my answers. I wanted to thank you for the course, feedback, and the preparation assistance for the exam."
Lauren Y.
"I passed the test! I got scores of 90% on the Uniform and 91% on the Colorado portion. The proctor said he usually didn't see scores that high. I laughed to myself because that was higher than what I scored on the MRES Exams. What was especially rewarding is that I actually understood the questions and answers -- no guesses! Needless to say, your school was an integral part of my success. If you hadn't given me such great hurdles to practice on, I doubt I could have done so well. Thanks again. I felt prepared not only for the State exam, but also for an actual career in real estate. May you also have continued success in your efforts to prepare other real estate licensees for the journey that lays ahead."
Emilio M.
"I just wanted to let you know that I have passed both portions of the licensing exam! Thank you for all your assistance. I especially found the prep tests and the explanations of the correct/incorrect answers to be very important to my learning. Also, you have always been very responsive to my requests and I have appreciated your promptness in getting my test scores back during the course. I would certainly recommend MacIntosh Real Estate School to others."
Rick J.
"It is a really wonderful experience of taking the real estates correspondence lessons with MacIntosh Real Estate School. The school catalog and the curriculums are excellent. All the questions are responded super quickly by you. You are the best."
C. Li
"Thanks for designing a course that more than prepared me for the license exam. I passed both parts and took less than an hour and a half in doing so. The questions were very similar to those in the materials and I was really surprised how easy I thought the state exam was."
"Just thought I'd share with you that I sat for the State exam today and passed both portions. Thank you for all your help. I'm convinced that without your Prep exam and mini prep I couldn't have passed the first time."
Margaret C.